Redecorating Your Home for $0
Want a fresh new look but don’t have the necessary funds to completely redecorate your home? There are so many simple tips and tricks to transform a space for $0... yes, you read that right! I have personally used all of these tips myself, sometimes a small change can make all the difference in a room. While shopping for new furniture and decor is fun, here are a few ways to make changes to your space without spending a dime!

Move furniture around- This can COMPLETELY transform a space within hours and at no cost. Sometimes moving a sofa to the opposite side of the room or moving around the furniture in your bedroom can make all the difference. Try moving everything you can out of the space, add the bigger pieces and then the smaller.
I also created a video during quarantine that shared how I did a full room refresh without shopping. I spent a total of $50 on a new gallon of paint but put all the tips below to use when designing the new space- you can watch it here!
Shop your space- Similar to the above, try rearranging your pillows or redecorating the coffee table. You can swap decor from other parts of the house, like wall art and revisit pieces you may have stored away. These may seem like small changes but they can make a huge difference.
Declutter- Sometimes when a room is feeling stale, instead of adding to it, edit down what you have. Parting with decor can be hard but ask yourself, is this item helping me achieve the vibe I want for this space. If the answer is no, then time to part ways or utilize in another part of your home. Feeling overwhelmed? Pick a specific area of the room to focus on first, then move to another part once finished. Also consider selling older decor / furniture you may not want anymore to allow for new budget to spend on decor without having to dip into your own funds.
Reframe- Have some artwork and photos you never got around to displaying? Swap out dated artwork with new prints or photos you have. Reframing is one of my favorite tricks, I personally love taking photos from magazines or books and popping them into a frame I have lying around. Want a more artistic approach? With a simple sheet of paper and a few acrylic paints you can create a simple yet striking piece of minimal art. I created an entire video on 5 simple wall art ideas which you can recreate with supplies you may already have laying around!

Have a decor swap with friends- Gather some decor you’re no longer loving and swap with a friend! You never know what they have lying around and want to get rid of. You can also check Facebook marketplace and other online sites for free furniture and decor.
DIY your decor- This tip may not entirely be $0 however for just a couple of dollars you can give your decor an entire new look. I recently have been obsessed with terracotta spray paint which gives your decor a handmade pottery vibe. Also consider a simple matte farmhouse black or shiny brass finish for a striking statement. Consider spraying literally… EVERYTHING! I love spraying vases, boxes, decor figurines, statues, shelves and more! I also made a video sharing some budget friendly DIY decor- you can watch here!
Photo Via Sherry Shirah Designs
Next time you’re craving a decorating refresh in your home, don’t forget about these simple tips and tricks. Your wallet will be thanking me later!
xo Drew